Source code for trx.trx_file_memmap

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from copy import deepcopy
import json
import logging
import os
import shutil
from typing import Any, List, Tuple, Type, Union, Optional
import zipfile

import nibabel as nib
from nibabel.affines import voxel_sizes
from nibabel.nifti1 import Nifti1Header, Nifti1Image
from nibabel.orientations import aff2axcodes
from nibabel.streamlines.array_sequence import ArraySequence
from nibabel.streamlines.trk import TrkFile
from nibabel.streamlines.tractogram import Tractogram, LazyTractogram
import numpy as np

from import get_trx_tmp_dir
from trx.utils import (append_generator_to_dict,

    import dipy
[docs] dipy_available = True
except ImportError: dipy_available = False
[docs] def _append_last_offsets(nib_offsets: np.ndarray, nb_vertices: int) -> np.ndarray: """Appends the last element of offsets from header information Keyword arguments: nib_offsets -- np.ndarray Array of offsets with the last element being the start of the last streamline (nibabel convention) nb_vertices -- int Total number of vertices in the streamlines Returns: Offsets -- np.ndarray (VTK convention) """ def is_sorted(a): return np.all(a[:-1] <= a[1:]) if not is_sorted(nib_offsets): raise ValueError('Offsets must be sorted values.') return np.append(nib_offsets, nb_vertices).astype(nib_offsets.dtype)
[docs] def _generate_filename_from_data(arr: np.ndarray, filename: str) -> str: """Determines the data type from array data and generates the appropriate filename Keyword arguments: arr -- a NumPy array (1-2D, otherwise ValueError raised) filename -- the original filename Returns: An updated filename """ base, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) if ext: logging.warning("Will overwrite provided extension if needed.") dtype = arr.dtype dtype = "bit" if dtype == bool else if arr.ndim == 1: new_filename = "{}.{}".format(base, dtype) elif arr.ndim == 2: dim = arr.shape[-1] if dim == 1: new_filename = "{}.{}".format(base, dtype) else: new_filename = "{}.{}.{}".format(base, arr.shape[-1], dtype) else: raise ValueError("Invalid dimensionality.") return new_filename
[docs] def _split_ext_with_dimensionality(filename: str) -> Tuple[str, int, str]: """Takes a filename and splits it into its components Keyword arguments: filename -- Input filename Returns: tuple of strings (basename, dimension, extension) """ basename = os.path.basename(filename) split = basename.split(".") if len(split) != 2 and len(split) != 3: raise ValueError("Invalid filename.") basename = split[0] ext = ".{}".format(split[-1]) dim = 1 if len(split) == 2 else split[1] _is_dtype_valid(ext) return basename, int(dim), ext
[docs] def _compute_lengths(offsets: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Compute lengths from offsets Keyword arguments: offsets -- An np.ndarray of offsets Returns: lengths -- An np.ndarray of lengths """ if len(offsets) > 0: last_elem_pos = _dichotomic_search(offsets) lengths = np.ediff1d(offsets) if len(lengths) > last_elem_pos: lengths[last_elem_pos] = 0 else: lengths = np.array([0]) return lengths.astype(np.uint32)
[docs] def _is_dtype_valid(ext: str) -> bool: """Verifies that filename extension is a valid datatype Keyword arguments: ext -- filename extension Returns: boolean representing if provided datatype is valid """ if ext.replace(".", "") == "bit": return True try: isinstance(np.dtype(ext.replace(".", "")), np.dtype) return True except TypeError: return False
[docs] def _create_memmap( filename: str, mode: str = "r", shape: Tuple = (1,), dtype: np.dtype = np.float32, offset: int = 0, order: str = "C", ) -> np.ndarray: """Wrapper to support empty array as memmaps Keyword arguments: filename -- filename where the empty memmap should be created mode -- file open mode (see: np.memmap for options) shape -- shape of memmapped np.ndarray dtype -- datatype of memmapped np.ndarray offset -- offset of the data within the file order -- data representation on disk (C or Fortran) Returns: mmapped np.ndarray or a zero-filled Numpy array if array has a shape of 0 in the first dimension """ if np.dtype(dtype) == bool: filename = filename.replace(".bool", ".bit") if shape[0]: return np.memmap( filename, mode=mode, offset=offset, shape=shape, dtype=dtype, order=order ) else: if not os.path.isfile(filename): f = open(filename, "wb") f.close() return np.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype)
[docs] def load(input_obj: str, check_dpg: bool = True) -> Type["TrxFile"]: """Load a TrxFile (compressed or not) Keyword arguments: input_obj -- A directory name or filepath to the trx data check_dpg -- Boolean denoting if group metadata should be checked Returns: TrxFile object representing the read data """ # TODO Check if 0 streamlines, then 0 vertices is expected (vice-versa) # TODO 4x4 affine matrices should contains values (no all-zeros) # TODO 3x1 dimensions array should contains values at each position (int) if os.path.isfile(input_obj): was_compressed = False with zipfile.ZipFile(input_obj, "r") as zf: for info in zf.infolist(): if info.compress_type != 0: was_compressed = True break if was_compressed: with zipfile.ZipFile(input_obj, "r") as zf: tmp_dir = get_trx_tmp_dir() zf.extractall( trx = load_from_directory( trx._uncompressed_folder_handle = tmp_dir "File was compressed, call the close() function before " "exiting." ) else: trx = load_from_zip(input_obj) elif os.path.isdir(input_obj): trx = load_from_directory(input_obj) else: raise ValueError("File/Folder does not exist") # Example of robust check for metadata if check_dpg: for dpg in trx.data_per_group.keys(): if dpg not in trx.groups.keys(): raise ValueError( "An undeclared group ({}) has " "data_per_group.".format( dpg) ) return trx
[docs] def load_from_zip(filename: str) -> Type["TrxFile"]: """Load a TrxFile from a single zipfile. Note: does not work with compressed zipfiles Keyword arguments: filename -- path of the zipped TrxFile Returns: TrxFile representing the read data """ with zipfile.ZipFile(filename, mode="r") as zf: with"header.json") as zf_header: header = json.load(zf_header) header["VOXEL_TO_RASMM"] = np.reshape( header["VOXEL_TO_RASMM"], (4, 4) ).astype(np.float32) header["DIMENSIONS"] = np.array( header["DIMENSIONS"], dtype=np.uint16) files_pointer_size = {} for zip_info in zf.filelist: elem_filename = zip_info.filename _, ext = os.path.splitext(elem_filename) if ext == ".json" or zip_info.is_dir(): continue if not _is_dtype_valid(ext): continue raise ValueError( "The dtype {} is not supported".format(elem_filename)) if ext == ".bit": ext = ".bool" mem_adress = zip_info.header_offset + len(zip_info.FileHeader()) dtype_size = np.dtype(ext[1:]).itemsize size = zip_info.file_size / dtype_size if len(zip_info.extra): mem_adress -= len(zip_info.extra) if size.is_integer(): files_pointer_size[elem_filename] = mem_adress, int(size) else: raise ValueError("Wrong size or datatype") return TrxFile._create_trx_from_pointer( header, files_pointer_size, root_zip=filename )
[docs] def load_from_directory(directory: str) -> Type["TrxFile"]: """Load a TrxFile from a folder containing memmaps Keyword arguments: filename -- path of the zipped TrxFile Returns: TrxFile representing the read data """ directory = os.path.abspath(directory) with open(os.path.join(directory, "header.json")) as header: header = json.load(header) header["VOXEL_TO_RASMM"] = np.reshape(header["VOXEL_TO_RASMM"], (4, 4)).astype(np.float32) header["DIMENSIONS"] = np.array(header["DIMENSIONS"], dtype=np.uint16) files_pointer_size = {} for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory): for name in files: elem_filename = os.path.join(root, name) _, ext = os.path.splitext(elem_filename) if ext == ".json": continue if not _is_dtype_valid(ext): raise ValueError( "The dtype of {} is not supported".format(elem_filename) ) if ext == ".bit": ext = ".bool" dtype_size = np.dtype(ext[1:]).itemsize size = os.path.getsize(elem_filename) / dtype_size if size.is_integer(): files_pointer_size[elem_filename] = 0, int(size) elif os.path.getsize(elem_filename) == 1: files_pointer_size[elem_filename] = 0, 0 else: raise ValueError("Wrong size or datatype") return TrxFile._create_trx_from_pointer(header, files_pointer_size, root=directory)
[docs] def concatenate( trx_list: List["TrxFile"], delete_dpv: bool = False, delete_dps: bool = False, delete_groups: bool = False, check_space_attributes: bool = True, preallocation: bool = False, ) -> "TrxFile": """Concatenate multiple TrxFile together, support preallocation Keyword arguments: trx_list -- A list containing TrxFiles to concatenate delete_dpv -- Delete dpv keys that do not exist in all the provided TrxFiles delete_dps -- Delete dps keys that do not exist in all the provided TrxFile delete_groups -- Delete all the groups that currently exist in the TrxFiles check_space_attributes -- Verify that dimensions and size of data are similar between all the TrxFiles preallocation -- Preallocated TrxFile has already been generated and is the first element in trx_list (Note: delete_groups must be set to True as well) Returns: TrxFile representing the concatenated data """ trx_list = [ curr_trx for curr_trx in trx_list if curr_trx.header["NB_STREAMLINES"] > 0 ] if len(trx_list) == 0: logging.warning("Inputs of concatenation were empty.") return TrxFile() ref_trx = trx_list[0] all_dps = [] all_dpv = [] for curr_trx in trx_list: all_dps.extend(list(curr_trx.data_per_streamline.keys())) all_dpv.extend(list(curr_trx.data_per_vertex.keys())) all_dps, all_dpv = set(all_dps), set(all_dpv) if check_space_attributes: for curr_trx in trx_list[1:]: if not np.allclose( ref_trx.header["VOXEL_TO_RASMM"], curr_trx.header["VOXEL_TO_RASMM"] ) or not np.array_equal( ref_trx.header["DIMENSIONS"], curr_trx.header["DIMENSIONS"] ): raise ValueError("Wrong space attributes.") if preallocation and not delete_groups: raise ValueError( "Groups are variables, cannot be handled with " "preallocation" ) # Verifying the validity of fixed-size arrays, coherence between inputs for curr_trx in trx_list: for key in all_dpv: if key not in ref_trx.data_per_vertex.keys() \ or key not in curr_trx.data_per_vertex.keys(): if not delete_dpv: logging.debug( "{} dpv key does not exist in all TrxFile.".format(key) ) raise ValueError( "TrxFile must be sharing identical dpv " "keys.") elif ( ref_trx.data_per_vertex[key]._data.dtype != curr_trx.data_per_vertex[key]._data.dtype ): logging.debug( "{} dpv key is not declared with the same dtype " "in all TrxFile.".format(key) ) raise ValueError("Shared dpv key, has different dtype.") for curr_trx in trx_list: for key in all_dps: if key not in ref_trx.data_per_streamline.keys() \ or key not in curr_trx.data_per_streamline.keys(): if not delete_dps: logging.debug( "{} dps key does not exist in all " "TrxFile.".format( key) ) raise ValueError( "TrxFile must be sharing identical dps " "keys.") elif ( ref_trx.data_per_streamline[key].dtype != curr_trx.data_per_streamline[key].dtype ): logging.debug( "{} dps key is not declared with the same dtype " "in all TrxFile.".format(key) ) raise ValueError("Shared dps key, has different dtype.") all_groups_len = {} all_groups_dtype = {} # Variable-size arrays do not have to exist in all TrxFile if not delete_groups: for trx_1 in trx_list: for group_key in trx_1.groups.keys(): # Concatenating groups together if group_key in all_groups_len: all_groups_len[group_key] += len(trx_1.groups[group_key]) else: all_groups_len[group_key] = len(trx_1.groups[group_key]) if ( group_key in all_groups_dtype and trx_1.groups[group_key].dtype != all_groups_dtype[group_key] ): raise ValueError("Shared group key, has different dtype.") else: all_groups_dtype[group_key] = trx_1.groups[group_key].dtype # Once the checks are done, actually concatenate to_concat_list = trx_list[1:] if preallocation else trx_list if not preallocation: nb_vertices = 0 nb_streamlines = 0 for curr_trx in to_concat_list: curr_strs_len, curr_pts_len = curr_trx._get_real_len() nb_streamlines += curr_strs_len nb_vertices += curr_pts_len new_trx = TrxFile( nb_vertices=nb_vertices, nb_streamlines=nb_streamlines, init_as=ref_trx ) if delete_dps: new_trx.data_per_streamline = {} if delete_dpv: new_trx.data_per_vertex = {} if delete_groups: new_trx.groups = {} tmp_dir = # When memory is allocated on the spot, groups and data_per_group can # be concatenated together for group_key in all_groups_len.keys(): if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(tmp_dir, "groups/")): os.mkdir(os.path.join(tmp_dir, "groups/")) dtype = all_groups_dtype[group_key] group_filename = os.path.join( tmp_dir, "groups/" "{}.{}".format(group_key, ) group_len = all_groups_len[group_key] new_trx.groups[group_key] = _create_memmap( group_filename, mode="w+", shape=(group_len,), dtype=dtype ) if delete_groups: continue pos = 0 count = 0 for curr_trx in trx_list: curr_len = len(curr_trx.groups[group_key]) new_trx.groups[group_key][pos: pos + curr_len] = \ curr_trx.groups[group_key] + count pos += curr_len count += curr_trx.header["NB_STREAMLINES"] strs_end, pts_end = 0, 0 else: new_trx = ref_trx strs_end, pts_end = new_trx._get_real_len() for curr_trx in to_concat_list: # Copy the TrxFile fixed-size info (the right chunk) strs_end, pts_end = new_trx._copy_fixed_arrays_from( curr_trx, strs_start=strs_end, pts_start=pts_end ) return new_trx
[docs] def save( trx: "TrxFile", filename: str, compression_standard: Any = zipfile.ZIP_STORED ) -> None: """Save a TrxFile (compressed or not) Keyword arguments: trx -- The TrxFile to save filename -- The path to save the TrxFile to compression_standard -- The compression standard to use, as defined by the ZipFile library """ _, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) if ext not in [".zip", ".trx", ""]: raise ValueError("Unsupported extension.") copy_trx = trx.deepcopy() copy_trx.resize() tmp_dir_name = if ext in [".zip", ".trx"]: zip_from_folder(tmp_dir_name, filename, compression_standard) else: if os.path.isdir(filename): shutil.rmtree(filename) shutil.copytree(tmp_dir_name, filename) copy_trx.close()
[docs] def zip_from_folder( directory: str, filename: str, compression_standard: Any = zipfile.ZIP_STORED ) -> None: """Utils function to zip on-disk memmaps Keyword arguments directory -- The path to the on-disk memmap filename -- The path where the zip file should be created compression_standard -- The compression standard to use, as defined by the ZipFile library """ with zipfile.ZipFile(filename, mode="w", compression=compression_standard) as zf: for root, _, files in os.walk(directory): for name in files: curr_filename = os.path.join(root, name) tmp_filename = curr_filename.replace(directory, "")[1:] zf.write(curr_filename, tmp_filename)
[docs] class TrxFile: """Core class of the TrxFile"""
[docs] header: dict
[docs] streamlines: Type[ArraySequence]
[docs] groups: dict
[docs] data_per_streamline: dict
[docs] data_per_vertex: dict
[docs] data_per_group: dict
def __init__( self, nb_vertices: Optional[int] = None, nb_streamlines: Optional[int] = None, init_as: Optional[Type["TrxFile"]] = None, reference: Union[ str, dict, Type[Nifti1Image], Type[TrkFile], Type[Nifti1Header], None, ] = None, ) -> None: """Initialize an empty TrxFile, support preallocation Keyword Arguments: nb_vertices -- The number of vertices to use in the new TrxFile nb_streamlines -- The number of streamlines in the new TrxFile init_as -- A TrxFile to use as reference reference -- A Nifti or Trk file/obj to use as reference """ if init_as is not None: affine = init_as.header["VOXEL_TO_RASMM"] dimensions = init_as.header["DIMENSIONS"] elif reference is not None: affine, dimensions, _, _ = get_reference_info_wrapper(reference) else: logging.debug( "No reference provided, using blank space " "attributes, please update them later." ) affine = np.eye(4).astype(np.float32) dimensions = np.array([1, 1, 1], dtype=np.uint16) if nb_vertices is None and nb_streamlines is None: if init_as is not None: raise ValueError( "Cant use init_as without declaring " "nb_vertices AND nb_streamlines" ) logging.debug("Intializing empty TrxFile.") self.header = {} # Using the new format default type tmp_strs = ArraySequence() tmp_strs._data = tmp_strs._data.astype(np.float32) tmp_strs._offsets = tmp_strs._offsets.astype(np.uint32) tmp_strs._lengths = tmp_strs._lengths.astype(np.uint32) self.streamlines = tmp_strs self.groups = {} self.data_per_streamline = {} self.data_per_vertex = {} self.data_per_group = {} self._uncompressed_folder_handle = None nb_vertices = 0 nb_streamlines = 0 elif nb_vertices is not None and nb_streamlines is not None: logging.debug( "Preallocating TrxFile with size {} streamlines" "and {} vertices.".format(nb_streamlines, nb_vertices) ) trx = self._initialize_empty_trx( nb_streamlines, nb_vertices, init_as=init_as ) self.__dict__ = trx.__dict__ else: raise ValueError( "You must declare both nb_vertices AND " "NB_STREAMLINES") self.header["VOXEL_TO_RASMM"] = affine self.header["DIMENSIONS"] = dimensions self.header["NB_VERTICES"] = nb_vertices self.header["NB_STREAMLINES"] = nb_streamlines self._copy_safe = True
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: """Generate the string for printing""" affine = np.array(self.header["VOXEL_TO_RASMM"], dtype=np.float32) dimensions = np.array(self.header["DIMENSIONS"], dtype=np.uint16) vox_sizes = np.array(voxel_sizes(affine), dtype=np.float32) vox_order = "".join(aff2axcodes(affine)) text = "VOXEL_TO_RASMM: \n{}".format( np.array2string(affine, formatter={ "float_kind": lambda x: "%.6f" % x}) ) text += "\nDIMENSIONS: {}".format(np.array2string(dimensions)) text += "\nVOX_SIZES: {}".format( np.array2string(vox_sizes, formatter={ "float_kind": lambda x: "%.2f" % x}) ) text += "\nVOX_ORDER: {}".format(vox_order) strs_size = self.header["NB_STREAMLINES"] pts_size = self.header["NB_VERTICES"] strs_len, pts_len = self._get_real_len() if strs_size != strs_len or pts_size != pts_len: text += "\nstreamline_size: {}".format(strs_size) text += "\nvertex_size: {}".format(pts_size) text += "\nstreamline_count: {}".format(strs_len) text += "\nvertex_count: {}".format(pts_len) text += "\ndata_per_vertex keys: {}".format( list(self.data_per_vertex.keys())) text += "\ndata_per_streamline keys: {}".format( list(self.data_per_streamline.keys()) ) text += "\ngroups keys: {}".format(list(self.groups.keys())) for group_key in self.groups.keys(): if group_key in self.data_per_group: text += "\ndata_per_groups ({}) keys: {}".format( group_key, list(self.data_per_group[group_key].keys()) ) text += "\ncopy_safe: {}".format(self._copy_safe) return text
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: """Define the length of the object""" return len(self.streamlines)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key) -> Any: """Slice all data in a consistent way""" if isinstance(key, int): if key < 0: key += len(self) key = [key] elif isinstance(key, slice): key = [ii for ii in range(*key.indices(len(self)))] return, keep_group=False)
[docs] def __deepcopy__(self) -> Type["TrxFile"]: return self.deepcopy()
[docs] def deepcopy(self) -> Type["TrxFile"]: """Create a deepcopy of the TrxFile Returns A deepcopied TrxFile of the current TrxFile """ tmp_dir = get_trx_tmp_dir() out_json = open(os.path.join(, "header.json"), "w") tmp_header = deepcopy(self.header) if not isinstance(tmp_header["VOXEL_TO_RASMM"], list): tmp_header["VOXEL_TO_RASMM"] = tmp_header["VOXEL_TO_RASMM"].tolist() if not isinstance(tmp_header["DIMENSIONS"], list): tmp_header["DIMENSIONS"] = tmp_header["DIMENSIONS"].tolist() # tofile() alway write in C-order if not self._copy_safe: to_dump = self.streamlines.copy()._data tmp_header["NB_STREAMLINES"] = len(self.streamlines) tmp_header["NB_VERTICES"] = len(to_dump) else: to_dump = self.streamlines._data json.dump(tmp_header, out_json) out_json.close() positions_filename = _generate_filename_from_data( to_dump, os.path.join(, "positions") ) to_dump.tofile(positions_filename) if not self._copy_safe: to_dump = _append_last_offsets(self.streamlines.copy()._offsets, self.header["NB_VERTICES"]) else: to_dump = _append_last_offsets(self.streamlines._offsets, self.header["NB_VERTICES"]) offsets_filename = _generate_filename_from_data( self.streamlines._offsets, os.path.join(, "offsets") ) to_dump.tofile(offsets_filename) if len(self.data_per_vertex.keys()) > 0: os.mkdir(os.path.join(, "dpv/")) for dpv_key in self.data_per_vertex.keys(): if not self._copy_safe: to_dump = self.data_per_vertex[dpv_key].copy()._data else: to_dump = self.data_per_vertex[dpv_key]._data dpv_filename = _generate_filename_from_data( to_dump, os.path.join(, "dpv/", dpv_key) ) to_dump.tofile(dpv_filename) if len(self.data_per_streamline.keys()) > 0: os.mkdir(os.path.join(, "dps/")) for dps_key in self.data_per_streamline.keys(): to_dump = self.data_per_streamline[dps_key] dps_filename = _generate_filename_from_data( to_dump, os.path.join(, "dps/", dps_key) ) to_dump.tofile(dps_filename) if len(self.groups.keys()) > 0: os.mkdir(os.path.join(, "groups/")) for group_key in self.groups.keys(): to_dump = self.groups[group_key] group_filename = _generate_filename_from_data( to_dump, os.path.join(, "groups/", group_key) ) to_dump.tofile(group_filename) if group_key not in self.data_per_group: continue for dpg_key in self.data_per_group[group_key].keys(): # Creates 'dpg/' only if required if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(, "dpg/")): os.mkdir(os.path.join(, "dpg/")) if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(, "dpg/", group_key)): os.mkdir(os.path.join(, "dpg/", group_key)) to_dump = self.data_per_group[group_key][dpg_key] dpg_filename = _generate_filename_from_data( to_dump, os.path.join(, "dpg/", group_key, dpg_key) ) to_dump.tofile(dpg_filename) copy_trx = load_from_directory( copy_trx._uncompressed_folder_handle = tmp_dir return copy_trx
[docs] def _get_real_len(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Get the real size of data (ignoring zeros of preallocation) Returns A tuple representing the index of the last streamline and the total length of all the streamlines """ if len(self.streamlines._lengths) == 0: return 0, 0 last_elem_pos = _dichotomic_search(self.streamlines._lengths) if last_elem_pos != -1: strs_end = int(last_elem_pos + 1) pts_end = int(np.sum(self.streamlines._lengths[0:strs_end])) return strs_end, pts_end return 0, 0
[docs] def _copy_fixed_arrays_from( self, trx: Type["TrxFile"], strs_start: int = 0, pts_start: int = 0, nb_strs_to_copy: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Fill a TrxFile using another and start indexes (preallocation) Keyword arguments: trx -- TrxFile to copy data from strs_start -- The start index of the streamline pts_start -- The start index of the point nb_strs_to_copy -- The number of streamlines to copy. If not set will copy all Returns A tuple representing the end of the copied streamlines and end of copied points """ if nb_strs_to_copy is None: curr_strs_len, curr_pts_len = trx._get_real_len() else: curr_strs_len = int(nb_strs_to_copy) curr_pts_len = np.sum(trx.streamlines._lengths[0:curr_strs_len]) curr_pts_len = int(curr_pts_len) strs_end = strs_start + curr_strs_len pts_end = pts_start + curr_pts_len if curr_pts_len == 0: return strs_start, pts_start # Mandatory arrays self.streamlines._data[pts_start:pts_end] = \ trx.streamlines._data[0:curr_pts_len] self.streamlines._offsets[strs_start:strs_end] = \ (trx.streamlines._offsets[0:curr_strs_len] + pts_start) self.streamlines._lengths[strs_start:strs_end] = \ trx.streamlines._lengths[0:curr_strs_len] # Optional fixed-sized arrays for dpv_key in self.data_per_vertex.keys(): self.data_per_vertex[dpv_key]._data[ pts_start:pts_end ] = trx.data_per_vertex[dpv_key]._data[0:curr_pts_len] self.data_per_vertex[dpv_key]._offsets = self.streamlines._offsets self.data_per_vertex[dpv_key]._lengths = self.streamlines._lengths for dps_key in self.data_per_streamline.keys(): self.data_per_streamline[dps_key][ strs_start:strs_end ] = trx.data_per_streamline[dps_key][0:curr_strs_len] return strs_end, pts_end
[docs] def _initialize_empty_trx( nb_streamlines: int, nb_vertices: int, init_as: Optional[Type["TrxFile"]] = None) -> Type["TrxFile"]: """Create on-disk memmaps of a certain size (preallocation) Keyword arguments: nb_streamlines -- The number of streamlines that the empty TrxFile will be initialized with nb_vertices -- The number of vertices that the empty TrxFile will be initialized with init_as -- A TrxFile to initialize the empty TrxFile with Returns: An empty TrxFile preallocated with a certain size """ trx = TrxFile() tmp_dir = get_trx_tmp_dir()"Temporary folder for memmaps: {}".format( trx.header["NB_VERTICES"] = nb_vertices trx.header["NB_STREAMLINES"] = nb_streamlines if init_as is not None: trx.header["VOXEL_TO_RASMM"] = init_as.header["VOXEL_TO_RASMM"] trx.header["DIMENSIONS"] = init_as.header["DIMENSIONS"] positions_dtype = init_as.streamlines._data.dtype offsets_dtype = init_as.streamlines._offsets.dtype lengths_dtype = init_as.streamlines._lengths.dtype else: positions_dtype = np.dtype(np.float16) offsets_dtype = np.dtype(np.uint32) lengths_dtype = np.dtype(np.uint32) logging.debug( "Initializing positions with dtype: {}".format( ) logging.debug( "Initializing offsets with dtype: {}".format( logging.debug( "Initializing lengths with dtype: {}".format( # A TrxFile without init_as only contain the essential arrays positions_filename = os.path.join(, "positions.3.{}".format( ) trx.streamlines._data = _create_memmap( positions_filename, mode="w+", shape=(nb_vertices, 3), dtype=positions_dtype ) offsets_filename = os.path.join(, "offsets.{}".format( ) trx.streamlines._offsets = _create_memmap( offsets_filename, mode="w+", shape=(nb_streamlines,), dtype=offsets_dtype ) trx.streamlines._lengths = np.zeros( shape=(nb_streamlines,), dtype=lengths_dtype ) # Only the structure of fixed-size arrays is copied if init_as is not None: if len(init_as.data_per_vertex.keys()) > 0: os.mkdir(os.path.join(, "dpv/")) if len(init_as.data_per_streamline.keys()) > 0: os.mkdir(os.path.join(, "dps/")) for dpv_key in init_as.data_per_vertex.keys(): dtype = init_as.data_per_vertex[dpv_key]._data.dtype tmp_as = init_as.data_per_vertex[dpv_key]._data if tmp_as.ndim == 1: dpv_filename = os.path.join(, "dpv/" "{}.{}".format( dpv_key, ) shape = (nb_vertices, 1) elif tmp_as.ndim == 2: dim = tmp_as.shape[-1] shape = (nb_vertices, dim) dpv_filename = os.path.join(, "dpv/" "{}.{}.{}".format( dpv_key, dim, ) else: raise ValueError("Invalid dimensionality.") logging.debug( "Initializing {} (dpv) with dtype: " "{}".format(dpv_key, ) trx.data_per_vertex[dpv_key] = ArraySequence() trx.data_per_vertex[dpv_key]._data = _create_memmap( dpv_filename, mode="w+", shape=shape, dtype=dtype ) trx.data_per_vertex[dpv_key]._offsets = trx.streamlines._offsets trx.data_per_vertex[dpv_key]._lengths = trx.streamlines._lengths for dps_key in init_as.data_per_streamline.keys(): dtype = init_as.data_per_streamline[dps_key].dtype tmp_as = init_as.data_per_streamline[dps_key] if tmp_as.ndim == 1: dps_filename = os.path.join(, "dps/" "{}.{}".format( dps_key, ) shape = (nb_streamlines,) elif tmp_as.ndim == 2: dim = tmp_as.shape[-1] shape = (nb_streamlines, dim) dps_filename = os.path.join(, "dps/" "{}.{}.{}".format( dps_key, dim, ) else: raise ValueError("Invalid dimensionality.") logging.debug( "Initializing {} (dps) with and dtype: " "{}".format(dps_key, ) trx.data_per_streamline[dps_key] = _create_memmap( dps_filename, mode="w+", shape=shape, dtype=dtype ) trx._uncompressed_folder_handle = tmp_dir return trx
[docs] def _create_trx_from_pointer( header: dict, dict_pointer_size: dict, root_zip: Optional[str] = None, root: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Type["TrxFile"]: """After reading the structure of a zip/folder, create a TrxFile Keyword arguments: header -- A TrxFile header dictionary which will be used for the new TrxFile dict_pointer_size -- A dictionary containing the filenames of all the files within the TrxFile disk file/folder root_zip -- The path of the ZipFile pointer root -- The dirname of the ZipFile pointer Returns: A TrxFile constructer from the pointer provided """ # TODO support empty positions, using optional tag? trx = TrxFile() trx.header = header positions, offsets = None, None for elem_filename in dict_pointer_size.keys(): if root_zip: filename = root_zip else: filename = elem_filename folder = os.path.dirname(elem_filename) base, dim, ext = _split_ext_with_dimensionality(elem_filename) if ext == ".bit": ext = ".bool" mem_adress, size = dict_pointer_size[elem_filename] if root is not None: # This is for Unix if != 'nt' and folder.startswith(root.rstrip("/")): folder = folder.replace(root, "").lstrip("/") # These three are for Windows elif os.path.isdir(folder) and os.path.basename(folder) in ['dpv', 'dps', 'groups']: folder = os.path.basename(folder) elif os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(folder)) == 'dpg': folder = os.path.join('dpg', os.path.basename(folder)) else: folder = '' # Parse/walk the directory tree if base == "positions" and folder == "": if size != trx.header["NB_VERTICES"] * 3 or dim != 3: raise ValueError("Wrong data size/dimensionality.") positions = _create_memmap( filename, mode="r+", offset=mem_adress, shape=(trx.header["NB_VERTICES"], 3), dtype=ext[1:], ) elif base == "offsets" and folder == "": if size != trx.header["NB_STREAMLINES"]+1 or dim != 1: raise ValueError("Wrong offsets size/dimensionality.") offsets = _create_memmap( filename, mode="r+", offset=mem_adress, shape=(trx.header["NB_STREAMLINES"]+1,), dtype=ext[1:], ) if offsets[-1] != 0: lengths = _compute_lengths(offsets) else: lengths = [0] elif folder == "dps": nb_scalar = size / trx.header["NB_STREAMLINES"] if not nb_scalar.is_integer() or nb_scalar != dim: raise ValueError("Wrong dps size/dimensionality.") else: shape = (trx.header["NB_STREAMLINES"], int(nb_scalar)) trx.data_per_streamline[base] = _create_memmap( filename, mode="r+", offset=mem_adress, shape=shape, dtype=ext[1:] ) elif folder == "dpv": nb_scalar = size / trx.header["NB_VERTICES"] if not nb_scalar.is_integer() or nb_scalar != dim: raise ValueError("Wrong dpv size/dimensionality.") else: shape = (trx.header["NB_VERTICES"], int(nb_scalar)) trx.data_per_vertex[base] = _create_memmap( filename, mode="r+", offset=mem_adress, shape=shape, dtype=ext[1:] ) elif folder.startswith("dpg"): if int(size) != dim: raise ValueError("Wrong dpg size/dimensionality.") else: shape = (1, int(size)) # Handle the two-layers architecture data_name = os.path.basename(base) sub_folder = os.path.basename(folder) if sub_folder not in trx.data_per_group: trx.data_per_group[sub_folder] = {} trx.data_per_group[sub_folder][data_name] = _create_memmap( filename, mode="r+", offset=mem_adress, shape=shape, dtype=ext[1:] ) elif folder == "groups": # Groups are simply indices, nothing else # TODO Crash if not uint? if dim != 1: raise ValueError("Wrong group dimensionality.") else: shape = (int(size),) trx.groups[base] = _create_memmap( filename, mode="r+", offset=mem_adress, shape=shape, dtype=ext[1:] ) else: logging.error( "{} is not part of a valid structure.".format( elem_filename) ) # All essential array must be declared if positions is not None and offsets is not None: trx.streamlines._data = positions trx.streamlines._offsets = offsets[:-1] trx.streamlines._lengths = lengths else: raise ValueError("Missing essential data.") for dpv_key in trx.data_per_vertex: tmp = trx.data_per_vertex[dpv_key] trx.data_per_vertex[dpv_key] = ArraySequence() trx.data_per_vertex[dpv_key]._data = tmp trx.data_per_vertex[dpv_key]._offsets = offsets[:-1] trx.data_per_vertex[dpv_key]._lengths = lengths return trx
[docs] def resize( self, nb_streamlines: Optional[int] = None, nb_vertices: Optional[int] = None, delete_dpg: bool = False, ) -> None: """Remove the ununsed portion of preallocated memmaps Keyword arguments: nb_streamlines -- The number of streamlines to keep nb_vertices -- The number of vertices to keep delete_dpg -- Remove data_per_group when resizing """ if not self._copy_safe: raise ValueError("Cannot resize a sliced datasets.") strs_end, pts_end = self._get_real_len() if nb_streamlines is not None and nb_streamlines < strs_end: strs_end = nb_streamlines "Resizing (down) memmaps, less streamlines than it " "actually contains." ) if nb_vertices is None: pts_end = int(np.sum(self.streamlines._lengths[0:nb_streamlines])) nb_vertices = pts_end elif nb_vertices < pts_end: # Resizing vertices only is too dangerous, not allowed logging.warning("Cannot resize (down) vertices for consistency.") return if nb_streamlines is None: nb_streamlines = strs_end if ( nb_streamlines == self.header["NB_STREAMLINES"] and nb_vertices == self.header["NB_VERTICES"] ): logging.debug("TrxFile of the right size, no resizing.") return trx = self._initialize_empty_trx( nb_streamlines, nb_vertices, init_as=self) "Resizing streamlines from size {} to {}".format( len(self.streamlines), nb_streamlines ) ) "Resizing vertices from size {} to {}".format( len(self.streamlines._data), nb_vertices ) ) # Copy the fixed-sized info from the original TrxFile to the new # (resized) one. if nb_streamlines < self.header["NB_STREAMLINES"]: trx._copy_fixed_arrays_from(self, nb_strs_to_copy=nb_streamlines) else: trx._copy_fixed_arrays_from(self) tmp_dir = if len(self.groups.keys()) > 0: os.mkdir(os.path.join(tmp_dir, "groups/")) for group_key in self.groups.keys(): group_dtype = self.groups[group_key].dtype group_name = os.path.join( tmp_dir, "groups/", "{}.{}".format(group_key, ) ori_len = len(self.groups[group_key]) # Remove groups indices if resizing down tmp = self.groups[group_key][self.groups[group_key] < strs_end] trx.groups[group_key] = _create_memmap( group_name, mode="w+", shape=(len(tmp),), dtype=group_dtype ) logging.debug( "{} group went from {} items to {}".format( group_key, ori_len, len(tmp)) ) trx.groups[group_key][:] = tmp if delete_dpg: self.close() self.__dict__ = trx.__dict__ return if len(self.data_per_group.keys()) > 0: os.mkdir(os.path.join(tmp_dir, "dpg/")) for group_key in self.data_per_group: if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(tmp_dir, "dpg/", group_key)): os.mkdir(os.path.join(tmp_dir, "dpg/", group_key)) if group_key not in trx.data_per_group: trx.data_per_group[group_key] = {} for dpg_key in self.data_per_group[group_key].keys(): dpg_dtype = self.data_per_group[group_key][dpg_key].dtype dpg_filename = _generate_filename_from_data( self.data_per_group[group_key][dpg_key], os.path.join(tmp_dir, "dpg/", group_key, dpg_key), ) shape = self.data_per_group[group_key][dpg_key].shape if dpg_key not in trx.data_per_group[group_key]: trx.data_per_group[group_key][dpg_key] = {} trx.data_per_group[group_key][dpg_key] = _create_memmap( dpg_filename, mode="w+", shape=shape, dtype=dpg_dtype ) trx.data_per_group[group_key][dpg_key][:] = \ self.data_per_group[group_key][dpg_key] self.close() self.__dict__ = trx.__dict__
[docs] def get_dtype_dict(self): """Get the dtype dictionary for the TrxFile Returns A dictionary containing the dtype for each data element """ dtype_dict = {"positions": self.streamlines._data.dtype, "offsets": self.streamlines._offsets.dtype, "dpv": {}, "dps": {}, "dpg": {}, "groups": {}} for key in self.data_per_vertex.keys(): dtype_dict['dpv'][key] = self.data_per_vertex[key]._data.dtype for key in self.data_per_streamline.keys(): dtype_dict['dps'][key] = self.data_per_streamline[key].dtype for group_key in self.data_per_group.keys(): dtype_dict['groups'][group_key] = self.groups[group_key].dtype for group_key in self.data_per_group.keys(): dtype_dict['dpg'][group_key] = {} for dpg_key in self.data_per_group[group_key].keys(): dtype_dict['dpg'][group_key][dpg_key] = \ self.data_per_group[group_key][dpg_key].dtype return dtype_dict
[docs] def append(self, obj, extra_buffer: int = 0) -> None: curr_dtype_dict = self.get_dtype_dict() if dipy_available: from import StatefulTractogram if not isinstance(obj, (TrxFile, Tractogram)) \ and (dipy_available and not isinstance(obj, StatefulTractogram)): raise TypeError( "{} is not a supported object type for appending.".format(type(obj))) elif isinstance(obj, Tractogram): obj = self.from_tractogram(obj, reference=self.header, dtype_dict=curr_dtype_dict) elif dipy_available and isinstance(obj, StatefulTractogram): obj = self.from_sft(obj, dtype_dict=curr_dtype_dict) self._append_trx(obj, extra_buffer=extra_buffer)
[docs] def _append_trx(self, trx: Type["TrxFile"], extra_buffer: int = 0) -> None: """Append a TrxFile to another (support buffer) Keyword arguments: trx -- The TrxFile to append to the current TrxFile extra_buffer -- The additional buffer space required to append data """ strs_end, pts_end = self._get_real_len() nb_streamlines = strs_end + trx.header["NB_STREAMLINES"] nb_vertices = pts_end + trx.header["NB_VERTICES"] if ( self.header["NB_STREAMLINES"] < nb_streamlines or self.header["NB_VERTICES"] < nb_vertices ): self.resize( nb_streamlines=nb_streamlines + extra_buffer, nb_vertices=nb_vertices + extra_buffer * 100, ) _ = concatenate([self, trx], preallocation=True, delete_groups=True)
[docs] def get_group( self, key: str, keep_group: bool = True, copy_safe: bool = False ) -> Type["TrxFile"]: """Get a particular group from the TrxFile Keyword arguments: key -- The group name to select keep_group -- Make sure group exists in returned TrxFile copy_safe -- Perform a deepcopy Returns A TrxFile exclusively containing data from said group """ return[key], keep_group=keep_group, copy_safe=copy_safe)
[docs] def select( self, indices: np.ndarray, keep_group: bool = True, copy_safe: bool = False ) -> Type["TrxFile"]: """Get a subset of items, always vertices to the same memmaps Keyword arguments: indices -- The list of indices of elements to return keep_group -- Ensure group is returned in output TrxFile copy_safe -- Perform a deep-copy Returns: A TrxFile containing data originating from the selected indices """ indices = np.array(indices, dtype=np.uint32) new_trx = TrxFile() new_trx._copy_safe = copy_safe new_trx.header = deepcopy(self.header) if isinstance(indices, np.ndarray) and len(indices) == 0: # Even while empty, basic dtype and header must be coherent positions_dtype = self.streamlines._data.dtype offsets_dtype = self.streamlines._offsets.dtype lengths_dtype = self.streamlines._lengths.dtype new_trx.streamlines._data = new_trx.streamlines._data.reshape( (0, 3) ).astype(positions_dtype) new_trx.streamlines._offsets = new_trx.streamlines._offsets.astype( offsets_dtype ) new_trx.streamlines._lengths = new_trx.streamlines._lengths.astype( lengths_dtype ) new_trx.header["NB_VERTICES"] = len(new_trx.streamlines._data) new_trx.header["NB_STREAMLINES"] = len( new_trx.streamlines._lengths) return new_trx.deepcopy() if copy_safe else new_trx new_trx.streamlines = ( self.streamlines[indices].copy( ) if copy_safe else self.streamlines[indices] ) for dpv_key in self.data_per_vertex.keys(): new_trx.data_per_vertex[dpv_key] = ( self.data_per_vertex[dpv_key][indices].copy() if copy_safe else self.data_per_vertex[dpv_key][indices] ) for dps_key in self.data_per_streamline.keys(): new_trx.data_per_streamline[dps_key] = ( self.data_per_streamline[dps_key][indices].copy() if copy_safe else self.data_per_streamline[dps_key][indices] ) # Not keeping group is equivalent to the [] operator if keep_group: logging.warning( "Keeping dpg despite affecting the group " "items.") for group_key in self.groups.keys(): # Keep the group indices even when fancy slicing index = np.argsort(indices) sorted_x = indices[index] sorted_index = np.searchsorted( sorted_x, self.groups[group_key]) yindex = np.take(index, sorted_index, mode="clip") mask = indices[yindex] != self.groups[group_key] intersect = yindex[~mask] if len(intersect) == 0: continue new_trx.groups[group_key] = intersect if group_key in self.data_per_group: for dpg_key in self.data_per_group[group_key].keys(): if group_key not in new_trx.data_per_group: new_trx.data_per_group[group_key] = {} new_trx.data_per_group[group_key][ dpg_key ] = self.data_per_group[group_key][dpg_key] new_trx.header["NB_VERTICES"] = len(new_trx.streamlines._data) new_trx.header["NB_STREAMLINES"] = len(new_trx.streamlines._lengths) return new_trx.deepcopy() if copy_safe else new_trx
[docs] def from_lazy_tractogram(obj: ["LazyTractogram"], reference, extra_buffer: int = 0, chunk_size: int = 10000, dtype_dict: dict = {'positions': np.float32, 'offsets': np.uint32, 'dpv': {}, 'dps': {}}) \ -> Type["TrxFile"]: """Append a TrxFile to another (support buffer) Keyword arguments: trx -- The TrxFile to append to the current TrxFile extra_buffer -- The buffer space between reallocation. This number should be a number of streamlines. Use 0 for no buffer. chunk_size -- The number of streamlines to save at a time. """ data = {'strs': [], 'dpv': {}, 'dps': {}} concat = None count = 0 iterator = iter(obj) while True: if count < chunk_size: try: i = next(iterator) count += 1 except StopIteration: obj = convert_data_dict_to_tractogram(data) if concat is None: if len(obj.streamlines) == 0: concat = TrxFile() else: concat = TrxFile.from_tractogram(obj, reference=reference, dtype_dict=dtype_dict) elif len(obj.streamlines) > 0: curr_obj = TrxFile.from_tractogram(obj, reference=reference, dtype_dict=dtype_dict) concat.append(curr_obj) break append_generator_to_dict(i, data) else: obj = convert_data_dict_to_tractogram(data) if concat is None: concat = TrxFile.from_tractogram(obj, reference=reference, dtype_dict=dtype_dict) else: curr_obj = TrxFile.from_tractogram(obj, reference=reference, dtype_dict=dtype_dict) concat.append(curr_obj, extra_buffer=extra_buffer) data = {'strs': [], 'dpv': {}, 'dps': {}} count = 0 concat.resize() return concat
[docs] def from_sft(sft, dtype_dict={}): """Generate a valid TrxFile from a StatefulTractogram""" if len(sft.dtype_dict) > 0: dtype_dict = sft.dtype_dict if 'dpp' in dtype_dict: dtype_dict['dpv'] = dtype_dict.pop('dpp') elif len(dtype_dict) == 0: dtype_dict = {'positions': np.float32, 'offsets': np.uint32, 'dpv': {}, 'dps': {}} positions_dtype = dtype_dict['positions'] offsets_dtype = dtype_dict['offsets'] if not np.issubdtype(positions_dtype, np.floating): logging.warning( "Casting positions as {}, considering using a floating point " "dtype.".format(positions_dtype)) if not np.issubdtype(offsets_dtype, np.integer): logging.warning( "Casting offsets as {}, considering using a integer " "dtype.".format(offsets_dtype)) trx = TrxFile(nb_vertices=len(sft.streamlines._data), nb_streamlines=len(sft.streamlines)) trx.header = { "DIMENSIONS": sft.dimensions.tolist(), "VOXEL_TO_RASMM": sft.affine.tolist(), "NB_VERTICES": len(sft.streamlines._data), "NB_STREAMLINES": len(sft.streamlines), } old_space = deepcopy( old_origin = deepcopy(sft.origin) # TrxFile are written on disk in RASMM/center convention sft.to_rasmm() sft.to_center() tmp_streamlines = deepcopy(sft.streamlines) # Cast the int64 of Nibabel to uint32 tmp_streamlines._offsets = tmp_streamlines._offsets.astype( offsets_dtype) tmp_streamlines._data = tmp_streamlines._data.astype(positions_dtype) trx.streamlines = tmp_streamlines for key in sft.data_per_point: dtype_to_use = dtype_dict['dpv'][key] if key in dtype_dict['dpv'] \ else np.float32 trx.data_per_vertex[key] = \ sft.data_per_point[key] trx.data_per_vertex[key]._data = \ sft.data_per_point[key]._data.astype(dtype_to_use) for key in sft.data_per_streamline: dtype_to_use = dtype_dict['dps'][key] if key in dtype_dict['dps'] \ else np.float32 trx.data_per_streamline[key] = sft.data_per_streamline[key].astype( dtype_to_use) # For safety and for RAM, convert the whole object to memmaps tmp_dir = get_trx_tmp_dir() save(trx, trx.close() trx = load_from_directory( trx._uncompressed_folder_handle = tmp_dir sft.to_space(old_space) sft.to_origin(old_origin) del tmp_streamlines return trx
[docs] def from_tractogram(tractogram, reference, dtype_dict={'positions': np.float32, 'offsets': np.uint32, 'dpv': {}, 'dps': {}}): """Generate a valid TrxFile from a Nibabel Tractogram""" positions_dtype = dtype_dict['positions'] if 'positions' in dtype_dict \ else np.float32 offsets_dtype = dtype_dict['offsets'] if 'offsets' in dtype_dict \ else np.uint32 if not np.issubdtype(positions_dtype, np.floating): logging.warning( "Casting positions as {}, considering using a floating point " "dtype.".format(positions_dtype)) if not np.issubdtype(offsets_dtype, np.integer): logging.warning( "Casting offsets as {}, considering using a integer " "dtype.".format(offsets_dtype)) trx = TrxFile( nb_vertices=len(tractogram.streamlines._data), nb_streamlines=len(tractogram.streamlines), ) affine, dimensions, _, _ = get_reference_info_wrapper(reference) trx.header = { "DIMENSIONS": dimensions, "VOXEL_TO_RASMM": affine, "NB_VERTICES": len(tractogram.streamlines._data), "NB_STREAMLINES": len(tractogram.streamlines), } tmp_streamlines = deepcopy(tractogram.streamlines) # Cast the int64 of Nibabel to uint32 tmp_streamlines._offsets = tmp_streamlines._offsets.astype( offsets_dtype) tmp_streamlines._data = tmp_streamlines._data.astype(positions_dtype) trx.streamlines = tmp_streamlines for key in tractogram.data_per_point: dtype_to_use = dtype_dict['dpv'][key] if key in dtype_dict['dpv'] \ else np.float32 trx.data_per_vertex[key] = \ tractogram.data_per_point[key] trx.data_per_vertex[key]._data = \ tractogram.data_per_point[key]._data.astype(dtype_to_use) for key in tractogram.data_per_streamline: dtype_to_use = dtype_dict['dps'][key] if key in dtype_dict['dps'] \ else np.float32 trx.data_per_streamline[key] = \ tractogram.data_per_streamline[key].astype(dtype_to_use) # For safety and for RAM, convert the whole object to memmaps tmp_dir = get_trx_tmp_dir() save(trx, trx.close() trx = load_from_directory( del tmp_streamlines return trx
[docs] def to_tractogram(self, resize=False): """Convert a TrxFile to a nibabel Tractogram (in RAM)""" if resize: self.resize() trx_obj = self.to_memory() tractogram = nib.streamlines.Tractogram([], affine_to_rasmm=np.eye(4)) tractogram._set_streamlines(trx_obj.streamlines) tractogram._data_per_point = trx_obj.data_per_vertex tractogram._data_per_streamline = trx_obj.data_per_streamline return tractogram
[docs] def to_memory(self, resize: bool = False) -> Type["TrxFile"]: """Convert a TrxFile to a RAM representation Keyword arguments: resize -- Resize TrxFile when converting to RAM representation Returns: A non memory mapped TrxFile """ if resize: self.resize() trx_obj = TrxFile() trx_obj.header = deepcopy(self.header) trx_obj.streamlines = deepcopy(self.streamlines) for key in self.data_per_vertex: trx_obj.data_per_vertex[key] = deepcopy(self.data_per_vertex[key]) for key in self.data_per_streamline: trx_obj.data_per_streamline[key] = deepcopy( self.data_per_streamline[key]) for key in self.groups: trx_obj.groups[key] = deepcopy(self.groups[key]) for key in self.data_per_group: trx_obj.data_per_group[key] = deepcopy(self.data_per_group[key]) return trx_obj
[docs] def to_sft(self, resize=False): """Convert a TrxFile to a valid StatefulTractogram (in RAM)""" try: from import StatefulTractogram, Space except ImportError: logging.error('Dipy library is missing, cannot convert to ' 'StatefulTractogram.') return None affine = np.array(self.header["VOXEL_TO_RASMM"], dtype=np.float32) dimensions = np.array(self.header["DIMENSIONS"], dtype=np.uint16) vox_sizes = np.array(voxel_sizes(affine), dtype=np.float32) vox_order = "".join(aff2axcodes(affine)) space_attributes = (affine, dimensions, vox_sizes, vox_order) if resize: self.resize() sft = StatefulTractogram( deepcopy(self.streamlines), space_attributes, Space.RASMM, data_per_point=deepcopy(self.data_per_vertex), data_per_streamline=deepcopy(self.data_per_streamline), ) tmp_dict = self.get_dtype_dict() if 'dpv' in tmp_dict: tmp_dict['dpp'] = tmp_dict.pop('dpv') sft.dtype_dict = self.get_dtype_dict() return sft
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """Cleanup on-disk temporary folder and initialize an empty TrxFile""" if self._uncompressed_folder_handle is not None: close_or_delete_mmap(self.streamlines) # # Close or delete attributes in dictionaries for key in self.data_per_vertex: close_or_delete_mmap(self.data_per_vertex[key]) for key in self.data_per_streamline: close_or_delete_mmap(self.data_per_streamline[key]) for key in self.groups: close_or_delete_mmap(self.groups[key]) for key in self.data_per_group: for dpg in self.data_per_group[key]: close_or_delete_mmap(self.data_per_group[key][dpg]) try: self._uncompressed_folder_handle.cleanup() except PermissionError: logging.error("Windows PermissionError, temporary directory {}" "was not deleted!".format( self.__init__() logging.debug("Deleted memmaps and intialized empty TrxFile.")